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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day Prayer

     Lord God, heavenly Father, though You have created us for a life of eternity, we confess that by our sins we have transformed the space of time into a prelude for death. Forgive us the sins of the past, and breathe into us the Spirit of Your Son that we may serve You in this new year.
     On this first day of a new year pour into our hearts the rich measure of Your grace, that we may fill the moments of the new year with the enduring qualities of eternity.
     In Christ we find courage to begin again. He is our Beginning and our End, our Alpha and our Omega. In Him is our hope. In Him this year and all things are made new because we are forgiven. For His sake help us to live for You and our fellowman. Amen.
--Lutheran Book of Prayer

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