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Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Cessation of Heroes

(written in 1989)
Inclyti, Israel, super montes tuos interfecti sunt: quo modo ceciderunt fortes!

There are no more heroes,
and that's how life goes.
Of what and whom does this speak?
Vietnam, Watergate, Swaggart, and Rose.

I'm so disillusioned,
Is there no one left to follow?
Rationalizations, justifications...
they all seem so hollow.

Humanity's weakness--Satan's strength;
Defensive egos offering excuses,
I cannot accept them, my mind just refuses,
Though the man be defended, integrity loses.

Sin after sin--
Is there no limit to its amount?
Man may forget God,
but he must give account.

So I end this poem
with a simple plan:
Fear God, keep the commands--
this applies to every man.

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